Best Place To Buy Rubber Mulch
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Use rubber mulch for landscaping, playgrounds and other backyard uses, military training, shooting ranges and equestrian arenas. Rubber mulch is the perfect alternative to traditional landscaping and playground surfacing materials.
Our environmentally friendly rubber mulch is made from 100% recycled tires and is 99.9% wire free. Best Rubber Mulch offers affordable rubber mulch which will last for years without rotting, deteriorating, fading or attracting pests.
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It provides more design options. Available in many earth tone and designer colors, rubber mulch offers more options to compliment existing landscape elements. Unlike colored wood mulch, rubber mulch tends to hold its color for up to ten years.
It is a low maintenance option. When compared to organic mulches, the density and durability of rubber mulch translates into less maintenance and replenishment costs saving both time and money.
It contains chemical residues which can be harmful to plants. Contrary to popular belief both wood mulch and rubber mulch can contain chemicals. Some wood mulches are made with industrial pallets that may have come in contact with various chemicals. Rubber of course utilizes chemicals in the manufacturing process. Studies differ as do mulches themselves. The most common chemical in rubber mulch that is found to potentially affect soil is zinc. Zinc is found naturally in soil and too much or too little can affect soil quality. Some areas of the US have sufficient or even high levels of zinc in the native soil whereas other areas have a zinc deficiency. If you are uncertain you may wish to test your soil for zinc levels before making a decision on what product is the best fit for your landscaping project.
It provides a safe, cushioned surface for kids on playgrounds and in play areas. Six-inch-thick sheets of rubber mulch relieve pressure on the joints from the pounding of athletics while also providing a cushion to prevent injury in case of falls.
Upkeep is slightly complicated with rubber mulch, as weeds and natural debris that accumulate must be pulled and discarded by hand. Tilling is not an option because rubber mulch cannot be mixed in with the soil like organic mulch can.
Rubber mulch is highly flammable, burning faster and stronger than regular mulch and releasing a toxic gas. Be sure not to lay rubber mulch near fire pits or barbecue grills. It is also not recommended in smoking sections. A high carbon-to-nitrogen ratio makes it harder to extinguish.
The anti-rubber-mulch faction points to concerns over chemicals leaching from the rubber and contaminating the soil. This guide explores the pros and cons of rubber mulch so you can make up your own mind and choose the right mulch for your garden.
Rubber mulch isn't organic, so it lasts much longer than wood, straw, and leaf alternatives. Some manufacturers claim their rubber mulches can last up to 10 years before you need to replace them. Wood mulch, on the other hand, breaks down completely in four to seven years.
Rubber mulch is made from ground-up tires and tends to be heavier than its organic counterparts. Therefore, it's not typically blown away by strong winds or swept out of your garden bed in heavy rain. With wood and straw mulches, you can accidentally blow them all over the place just by being a little too enthusiastic with your leaf blower. You won't have this trouble with rubber mulch.
Well-known for its insulating properties, rubber can hold warmth in your soil for longer. This can extend plant growth and warm the earth earlier in the year for a significantly increased growing season. Plus, you'll get earlier flowers that will keep flowering later into the fall as the soil retains its heat thanks to the rubber mulch blanket.
In spite of some manufacturer's claims, rubber mulch is flammable. In multiple tests, it's proved to burn hotter and faster than wood mulch. It spread faster and was more challenging to extinguish because of its comparatively high carbon to nitrogen ratio. Therefore, if you live in an area of elevated fire risk, avoid rubber mulch and opt for an organic mulch that's more difficult to ignite and slower to spread.
If the landscaping fabric splits or you make the mistake of foregoing the barrier layer, letting the rubber mulch and soil mix, you may need to hire a local professional landscaper to remove the entire top layer of soil. This way, you can be sure you get rid of all the rubber.
In mulch form, recycled rubber releases volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. These gaseous compounds are dangerous if inhaled and can lead to long-term health complications, ranging from nausea and dizziness to kidney, liver, and neurological damage. VOC increases as the rubber warms up, making the mulch undesirable for hot climates.
Even though rubber eventually breaks down into smaller particles, it doesn't add useful organic matter to your soil. In fact, as you've already seen, if rubber mulch does get into your soil it's a costly issue to fix.
Rubber mulch is a controversial product that can be useful in some situations, but you have to consider whether the cost, health, and environmental implications outweigh the benefits. If in doubt, contact a local mulching company to find out which type of mulch would be best for your garden, and how much mulch you need.
Whether rubber mulch is right for you or not will depend on your needs, especially if insulation or bugs are an issue. However, you will need to weigh the pros and cons since rubber mulch does come with some pretty serious risks, including damaging soil health and heavy metal contamination.
When playground administrators have chosen to install loose-fill material, they often find themselves comparing either rubber mulch (also called shredded rubber mulch, tire mulch, rubber nuggets, rubber pellets, recycled rubber mulch, rubber chips, or loose fill rubber), wood chips (such as landscape mulch), or engineered wood fiber mulch (EWF). All of those are considered loose-fill materials. On the other hand, unitary playground surfaces are all connected (ex. poured-in-place (PIP) playground flooring, rubber playground tiles, bonded rubber mulch).
We recommend installation by a professional in any scenario, those on a strict budget may be able to research installation instructions to be able to complete it themselves. You can buy rubber mulch at various places online, as well as at some hardware or lawn/garden stores.
Wood mulch generally costs less up-front and is easy to install. Mulch is also readily available. Although the cost is lower than other options, such as rubber mulch or rubber mats, the maintenance costs are higher. Wood mulch needs to be replaced yearly and requires ongoing raking to ensure optimal coverage.
There are a number of things to consider when it comes to maintaining wood mulch. Mulch compacts and decays, so it is important to replace and/or top off as it wears down. Mulch can be messy and end up all over the yard or playground outside of the swing set area, so clean up is a regular task. As mulch gets moved around in higher trafficked areas it will need redistributed to ensure safety in those spots. Adding a commercial fanny pad at the end of slides can help add some cushioning and keep mulch in its place.
Rubber playground mulch provides the greatest impact absorption of all materials. Six inches of rubber mulch can protect for falls up to ten feet. Like wood mulch, rubber mulch also has the potential for displacement, so it should be monitored to ensure highly-trafficked areas have enough coverage.
Rubber playground mulch is a low-maintenance surfacing option, which is why it tends to be more expensive at first. Unlike wood mulch, rubber mulch does not need to be replaced yearly, and may never need to be replaced at all. Rubber mulch is durable, easy to install, and only requires a little bit of raking to ensure even distribution and remove any debris.
Frequently Asked QuestionsIs Rubber Mulch SafeAbsolutely! Rubber mulch is 100% non-toxic and eco-friendly. \"Playground surfaces can contain recovered rubber and PVC materials that are often more desirable than wood chips, sand, or asphalt, because they can provide more cushioning and thereby may be safer for children. You can find playground surfaces made with recovered materials at schools, military bases, and housing developments.\" -- Source
One advantage of rubber mulch over other playground surfaces is it's elasticity or \"spring\". Rubber mulch's elasticity gives it a springy quality when used in thicker layers of 3 - 6 inches. Rubber mulch is a natural choice for playgrounds.
Rubber Mulch will not decompose. If fading begins after at least 12 years, you can either top-dress it with fresh Rubber Mulch or till it into the soil. Rubber Mulch is safe to till into the soil because it is nontoxic and acts as an aerator to help keep the soil from compacting. Similar rubber products such as crumb rubber are being used for the same purpose in athletic fields all across the country. You can also rake up your faded mulch to use as landfill.
The surface is intended for use in conjunction with some type of border or containment system such as rubber curbs. The individual bags are a great option for replacement mulch orders. Because it allows you to better spot replace small areas without the hassle of shoveling and wheel barreling from a Super Sack. Choose from black or one of five standard colors. The mulch comes made from shredded tires. As well as, is tested and approved for use on public playgrounds. Therefore, the mulch meets and exceeds ASTM requirements for use on public playgrounds and is IPEMA certified. 59ce067264