James Camerons Avatar The Game
LINK ---> https://urlin.us/2tkY6Q
Helping out at another base, Ryder is told to go fix the fences and animal repulsors, which are attracting creatures rather than keeping them away. After fixing the fences, Ryder is told to enter his avatar. Ryder's first mission in his avatar body is to get cell samples from certain non-hostile plants. After getting the samples, a Na'vi, Tan Jala, tells Ryder to kill his infected animals. A RDA air strike is seen being launched on the Na'vi village where Ryder had locked the signal. He finds out that there is a mole and that it is one of the avatar drivers. He follows Tan Jala, who leads him to the mole. After finding who the mole is, a scientist named Rene Harper, who is sympathetic with the Na'vi plight, Ryder sees the Na'vi village destroyed in the air strike. Commander Falco and his soldiers arrive via helicopter and try to force Rene into surrender. Harper tries to persuade Ryder to join the Na'vi and leave the RDA. When Falco hears this, he orders Ryder to shoot Rene Harper and keep his allegiance to the Corporation. Ryder must make a game-altering decision of siding with the defensive Na'vi or siding with the more offensive, better- armed RDA.
In JAMES CAMERON'S AVATAR: THE GAME, players are dropped onto Pandora, a lush alien world torn apart by a war between the Na'vi, the moon's indigenous people, and the RDA (Resources Development Administration), a human-based corporation keen on extracting Pandora's valuable resources. You play as Ryder, a young soldier employed by the RDA, tapped to protect the company's mining operation on Pandora. But that mining is destroying the habitat of the Na'vi, the blue-skinned, 10-foot-tall aliens, who resent the human's destructive presence. While you start the game as a human, about an hour or so in you'll have a choice to make: continue down the path as a RDA fighter to protect their interests or transfer your consciousness to an \\\"avatar,\\\" a half-Na'vi, half-human hybrid who can ward off the RDA. 59ce067264